Paramo Coffee

Paramo Coffee

San Francisco, CA


We are closed, but we hope to reopen May 4th if SF ordinance is lifted! 

How You Can Help

We have a virtual tip jar (Venmo or Cashapp) set up for staff - please donate!

Venmo: Paramo-Coffee 

Cashapp: Paramocoffeebaristas 

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Gold Stripe Coffee Roasters

Gold Stripe Coffee Roasters

Lubbock, TX

Serving Lubbock, TX and surrounding area with online orders only at this time. It's also a great time to buy a Gold Stripe T-shirt!

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Red Rooster Coffee

Red Rooster Coffee

Floyd, VA

Red Rooster is open for roasted coffee or curbside service - you can buy coffee or buy a meal for someone in need with our Win/Win campaign

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KLVN Coffee Lab

KLVN Coffee Lab

Pittsburgh, PA

We are open for business, selling coffee, filters & more on our website. You can even choose same day delivery if you live within 5 miles.

Stagecoach Coffee

Stagecoach Coffee

Cooperstown & Albany, NY

Stagecoach Coffee serves small batch, craft roasted fresh coffee out of our two cafes in Cooperstown & Albany, New York

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Cafe Demitasse

Cafe Demitasse

Los Angeles, CA

Santa Monica cafe still open, and our roaster is still roasting! Free shipping on everything, including brew kits.

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